Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why ? ...

Why are you looking at me with naked eyes 
And try to tell me that all I do is wrong 
That I should change the 
Nothing in my life to something better ...

Why do you want me as I am not ? 
Why do you teach me the right road ? 
Why do you think I fall and you miss me ? 
Why can't there be ashes on the floor ...?

Why love you just the way you want ? 
Why to behave when your driving ? 
Why not drink my daily vodka ? 
And don't drive in 5th at night near dawn?

Yes! I'm tired, I'm tired
Of me and you 

For you and us, we both of us.

Why can't I be silent ? 
Why's laughing bad ? 
Why lie smiling ? 
Why should I lear to fight ? 
Why is that bad ? 
Why do I need to wear a suit ? 
Why keep gooing ?
 Why keep silent now ?

Why shout louder ?
 Why not quit ? 
Why only me makes mistakes ? 
Why I'm the only one struggling ? 
Why did I forgot to laugh ? 
Why do I always pay ? 
Why do I always feel afraid ? 
Why am I not a men ?

Why do I drink my jealousy ? 
Why am I not good too ?
 Why am I filthy ? 
Why are there ashes on my soul? 
Why is the north in my brain?
 Why is the south in my soul? 
Why can't I be a child ? 
Why am I so cruel ?

 So ... stop looking at me with 
Those naked eyes  
Better teach me to fall asleep smiling 

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